May 22nd, 2022 at 06:39 pm
Refridgerator was delivered on time. Slowly refilling the refridgeraor and freezer since all the food had to be thrown out.
Work has been crazy busy. Many changes. Having difficulty figuring out which project to work on. As much as I dislike looking for a new job it might be time.
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May 8th, 2022 at 06:00 pm
Well my refridgerator is not working. New one will hopefully be delivered on Wednesday. Will be an interesting few days.
I do not really celebrate Mother's day. I have no children and my Mother passed away on Mother's day. Happy Mother's day to all the Mothers and Grandmothers.
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May 1st, 2022 at 05:56 pm
Glad it is May. April was just not a good month.
Many changes happening at work. As much as I hate job hunting it might be time.
Net worth is down over 19,000.00 since the begining of the year. Most of this is due to stock market. Hope the slide stops soon. I will work on what I can control like paying down debt.
How did I do on April goals.
Hit step and water goal.
Missed debt payoff by less than $2.00
Missed weight loss goal, but moved in correct direction.
May goals
Step goal 232,500
Average 44 ounces of water a day.
Lose 2 pounds.
pay down another 600.00 of debt.
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