Home > Quick Checkin

Quick Checkin

June 10th, 2017 at 06:49 pm

These were the goals I have for the year.

1. Loose weight.
2. Walk at least 3.5 millions step.
3. Reduce debt by $3200

How am I doing.

1. Not good actually gone up a bit
2. A bit ahead of pace.
3. On the correct pace.

I am still saving 4& towards retirement. I know I am behind. I really want to pay my debt down. In the past month I increased debt payoff by 31.00 dollars. I know this is not a lot but it is a start.

1 Responses to “Quick Checkin”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    You are chipping away at the debt payoff...keep up the good work!

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